Deepening Talent Pools with Talent Intelligence

It’s one of the great mysteries in talent acquisition today: organizations continue to lay thousands of employees off every year while leaving open positions unfilled. HR experts have correctly identified that the solution to closing widespread skills gaps is through intelligent matching, and thanks to artificial intelligence, unearthing the right matches between the best people and the most critical jobs you need to fill, is now within reach – at scale.
In this interactive webinar with workforce futurist Alexandra Levit, you will:
- Understand the foundations of talent intelligence and the components of a talent intelligence platform
- Learn how to assess skills adjacencies to open non-traditional pathways for candidates and current employees
- Use existing case studies, research data, and piloting strategies to build a business case for experimenting with talent Intelligence in your organization

Since 2003, SilkRoad has set the standard for talent acquisition innovation with scalable, configurable, branded experiences that attract, retain and align people to their business. SilkRoad delivers personalized experiences for employees to drive engagement across the employment lifecycle, enabling measurable and improved business outcomes. To learn more, visit

Alexandra Levit
Founder and CEO
Inspiration at Work
Alexandra Levit is the founder and CEO of Inspiration at Work, a woman-owned futurist consulting business with the goal of preparing organizations and their employees to be competitive and marketable in the future business world. A nationally syndicated columnist for the Wall Street Journal who currently anchors The Workplace Report, Alexandra has authored several books, including the bestsellers They Don’t Teach Corporate in College , Humanity Works: Merging People and Technologies for the Workforce of the Future, and Deep Talent: How to Transform Your Organization and Empower Your Employees Through AI.